by Rena Seltzer | Nov 21, 2017 | Time Management, Writing Tips
Finding time for writing and bringing a more positive mindset to the process are central topics in my work with clients. Two recent books offer new perspectives that I found refreshing. Air & Light & Time & Space: How Successful Academics Write by Helen...
by Rena Seltzer | Dec 13, 2016 | Writing Tips
Some academics write very intuitively. Through the process of reading journal articles, working with strong mentors, and co-authoring with senior colleagues, they seem to absorb the process through their pores. Once they’ve collected their data, they just sit down and...
by Rena Seltzer | Jul 31, 2016 | Time Management, Work-Life Balance, Writing Tips
Each summer begins the same way, with the beguiling promise of long open days for scholarship interspersed with extra time to spend out-of-doors with family and friends. But by the end of July, the lazy days of summer are racing past, and if you’re like most...
by Rena Seltzer | Jun 30, 2016 | Writing Tips
You’ve just gotten back from your vacation and there are piles of laundry to do, hundreds of emails to process, and your garden is overgrown, so your writing goes to the back burner. When you finally do show up again, it feels like pushing a boulder up a hill. Sound...
by Rena Seltzer | Feb 2, 2016 | Time Management, Writing Tips
Almost every week several clients tell me what a hard time they have getting started on writing, how overwhelmed they feel when they face their writing time, or how easily distracted they are when trying to write. Often, I prescribe The Pomodoro Technique®. This...
by Rena Seltzer | Nov 16, 2015 | Time Management, Writing Tips
I often hear from academics who are frustrated because they think they need large blocks of time to move writing projects forward, and during busy teaching semesters large blocks of time are few and far between. People are often surprised to find to find that they CAN...