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Articles & Tools


Influence and Managing Up

Get the Boss to Buy In: Learn to Sell Your Ideas Up the Chain of Command” by Susan Ashford and James Detert. Harvard Business Review, January-February 2015.


After the Offer, Before the Deal: Negotiating A First Academic Job by Chris M. Golde. American Association of University Professors.

Strategic Planning

Appreciative Inquiry: A Tool for Organizational, Programmatic, and Project-Focused Change” by Kerry L. Priest, Eric K. Kaufman, Kelsey Brunton, and Megan Seibel. Journal of Leadership Education, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2013.

Stop Planning! Colleges would be better served by focusing on the other half of strategic planning – the strategy, Peter Eckel and Cathy Trower argue” by Peter Eckel and Cathy Trower. Inside Higher Education, 2019. https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2019/02/14/colleges-need-rethink-strategic-planning-opinion

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging

Guide for Inclusive Teaching at Columbia Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning, 2017. https://ctl.columbia.edu/resources-and-technology/resources/inclusive-teaching-guide/

Cultivate Belonging” by Kerry Ann Rockquemore. Inside Higher Education, 2013. https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2013/08/05/essay-how-make-new-arrivals-academic-department-feel-welcome

Retaining Diverse Department Faculties: A Guide for Department Heads, NC State University, Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity, 2014.

How Diversity Makes Us Smarter” by Katherine Phillips. Scientific American, 2014. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-diversity-makes-us-smarter/

Undoing the Can of Worms: How to Make Faculty Service Demands More Equitable” by KerryAnn O’Meara. Inside Higher Education, 2018. https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2018/06/27/how-make-faculty-service-demands-more-equitable-opinion

Equity Minded Faculty Workloads: What We Can and Should Do Now by KerryAnn O’Meara, Dawn Culpepper, Joya Misra, and Audrey Jaeger. American Council on Education, 2022.

Female Faculty: Beware the Non-Promotable Task” by Linda Babcock, Brenda Peyser, Lise Vesterlund, and Laurie Weingart. Chronicle of Higher Education, 2022.

Designing a Bias-Free Organization: It’s Easier to Change Your Processes than Your People” by Gardiner Morse. Harvard Business Review, 2016 https://hbr.org/2016/07/designing-a-bias-free-organization

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in Medicine

Personal Actions to Create a Culture of Inclusion: Navigating Difficult Conversations with Medical Colleagues” by Melanie S. Sulistio, MD; Christine L. Chen, MD; Ijeoma Eleazu, MD; Sarah Godfrey, MD, MPH; Reeni A. Abraham, MD; and Lorrel E.B. Toft, MD. Annals of Internal Medicine, Volume 176, 2023.

Addressing Biased Patient Behavior: A Teachable Moment by Virginia Sheffield, MD; Luke Fraley, MD; Govind Warrier, MD, MPH. JAMA Internal Medicine, Volume 181, Number 12 p.1631 -1632, 2021.


Personal Best” by Atul Gawande. The New Yorker, 2011.

Comparing the Effectiveness of Individual Coaching, Self-Coaching, and Group Training: How Leadership Makes the Difference by Sabine Losch, Eva Traut-Mattausch, Maximilian D. Muhlberger, and Eva Jonas. Natural Library of Medicine: Frontiers in Psychology, Volume 7, 2016.

Favorite Tools Include

Productivity Support

Caveday.org “Facilitated work sessions in a community that keeps you focused and accountable.”

Forestapp.cc “Forest helps you…focus on the important thing”

Rescuetime.com “Block the distractions that interrupt your focus”

Focusmate.com “Virtual Coworking for Getting Anything Done”

The Pomodoro Technique

Organizational Support

Zotero.org “Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, annotate, cite, and share research.”

Todoist.com is an online “to do” list and task manager

Trello.com is a project management platform for work teams

Writing Resources

The Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) includes writing resources for those teaching across a wide range of disciplines. The materials are free and available to teachers worldwide. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/index.html

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