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Productive Writing
Tenure, Promotion, & the Academic Job Market
Work/Life Integration

woman professor writingProfessors face a unique set of challenges. With competing demands on your time, it can be difficult to give research and writing the attention they need. While colleagues may be smart and interesting, they are also all-too-human people with whom you must work out any number of issues. Parents are often raising young children at the same time they are under pressure to be maximally productive to achieve tenure and promotion. If you are Black, Latinx, LGBTQ+, female, and/or a person of color or a member of another historically minoritized group, then you may also be dealing with the conscious or unconscious biases of your students, colleagues, and administrators.

If you feel too busy, overwhelmed, unproductive, or undervalued, that is not just the way it is or the way it has to be.

In coaching, we support professors to make transformative changes and become more productive, gain control over their time, plan short- and long-term goals, and reconnect with their passion for their work, while also living full and healthy personal lives.

We invite you to schedule a free twenty-minute consultation to learn how we can help you.

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We Support Professors In:


Productive Writing

  • Move more quickly from first draft to publication
  • Have a sense of control over your time
  • Maintain your own writing voice and values
  • Write even during busy teaching semesters
  • Handle co-author relationships with greater ease
  • Set work aside at the end of the day
  • Make the most of sabbatical and summer writing opportunities
black man on phone and computer
“There are so many great opportunities, I need to prioritize and say “no” to even some good projects, and NO MORE BOOK CHAPTERS!”

– Pre-tenure faculty member

A colleague said, “you know you can’t write during the semester.” I don’t say that anymore… I understand that I can assert more control over my time.

– Associate Professor, Wayne State University

Tenure, Promotion, & the Academic Job Market

  • Understand both the formal and informal requirements for promotion in your department and institution
  • Build and maintain robust professional networks
  • Become nationally and internationally known as an expert in your area
  • Negotiate effectively for salary, preferred scheduling, and other resources you need to be successful
  • Effectively navigate departmental and institutional politics
  • Know when to say “yes” and when to say “no” to invitations and requests
  • Establish a circle of trusted mentors and friends who support you in managing the bias you encounter as an “only” or one of a few members of a historically marginalized group
  • Get your grants and proposals funded
“After we spoke, I let some colleagues know that I’m available to give talks, and I received invitations from Berkeley, Chicago, and Princeton. This will go a long way in getting my work out there.”

– Professor and parent preparing to go up for tenure

“I took your advice and asked for everything I wanted, and the Dean said yes!”

– Faculty member at a prominent East Coast university


Work/Life Integration

  • Experience less conflict between family and career
  • Schedule in time for fitness and outside interests
  • Cultivate connections with friends and/or potential partners
  • Leave work stresses at the office
  • Engage in communities that support all of who you are, both within and outside of academia
  • Outsource and delegate to free up more of your time
balanced life, beach pathway
“I followed through with scheduling the sitter to come an hour before the kids get home, so that she can do errands and chores that I can’t fit in. It is such a relief to have that extra help at home.”

– Full professor & mother of three

“It is working better now that I switched when I write and when I go to the gym. I still get my workout in, but I am also making progress on my publications.”

– Associate Professor


  • Strengthen your professional presence and voice
  • Establish buy-in for your ideas and initiatives
  • Delegate effectively
  • Implement inclusive pedagogy
  • Build a team of dedicated workers
  • Foster cultures of inclusion
  • Successfully navigate difficult work relationships
  • Build alliances across departments and organizations
  • Hire and retain exceptional colleagues from diverse backgrounds
  • Have time to recharge and enjoy family and friends
“As chair of the hiring committee, I designed a procedure in which we paid attention to running an inclusive and equitable process at every step of the way, from active recruitment to a longer short-list to evaluating candidates by uniform criteria. I’m excited about our new hires, and I’m really proud of how we ran the process.”

– Hiring committee chair

“It was a lot of work, but I’m so glad we created the conference series that supports women in our field. Participants describe it with words like ‘special,’ and ‘magical.’ It is really meaningful to me. I feel so great that I made this happen.”

– Faculty member in a field that is predominantly male

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